Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Timatar ka juice

Here is a wonderful thirst quencher for this hot summer - TOMATO JUICE. I wanted to try a little spicy version this time to make a difference. It tasted really good. Here we go for the simple juice variety.

Ingredients :

Juicy Ripe Tomatoes - 4 No.s
Chat masala - 1/2 Teaspoon
Lemon juice - 1 Table Spoon
Pepper Powder - 1 Teaspoon
Salt - 1 Teaspoon
Sugar - 1 Table Spoon

Method :

Cut the tomatoes in to quarters and remove the seeds. In a blender add 2 glasses of chilled water, and other ingredients and blend together well. Strain with a not too fine strainer. Stir and serve. Thakkali juice is ready :-)

Notes :

Lemon juice, sugar can be adjusted according to one's taste buds.
You can serve with out straining too. Its your preference. If you like to have a thick juice, you need not strain it.


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