Monday, May 27, 2013


Turai Chawal

Here is a easy and very tasty rice variety Zucchini rice. An ideal lunch box recipe. This requires less of ingredients, yet tastes so good. Lets straight away go for the recipe....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Timatar ka juice

Here is a wonderful thirst quencher for this hot summer - TOMATO JUICE. I wanted to try a little spicy version this time to make a difference. It tasted really good. Here we go for the simple juice variety.

Ingredients :

Juicy Ripe Tomatoes - 4 No.s
Chat masala - 1/2 Teaspoon
Lemon juice - 1 Table Spoon
Pepper Powder - 1 Teaspoon
Salt - 1 Teaspoon
Sugar - 1 Table Spoon

Method :

Cut the tomatoes in to quarters and remove the seeds. In a blender add 2 glasses of chilled water, and other ingredients and blend together well. Strain with a not too fine strainer. Stir and serve. Thakkali juice is ready :-)

Notes :

Lemon juice, sugar can be adjusted according to one's taste buds.
You can serve with out straining too. Its your preference. If you like to have a thick juice, you need not strain it.
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